What people say about us
Memorial comments from parents/carers:
One mother described how her child had taken a family friend to visit the Memorial Chapel, to show her all of what he had done there (children are encouraged to put a copper leaf with the name of their loved one on the Memorial Tree, to leave poems or other bits of writing, light candles etc).
“It’s a beautiful area”
“It’s helpful to look at everything there books, candles and leaflets.”
“Everyone here is so nice. From very first contact you just felt something good was going to come out of it.”
Comments from Children who attended Richmond’s Hope:
“It’s good. Go! You get to do stuff and you don’t feel left out anymore and you have someone to talk to if things worry you”
“Everyone here is so nice. From very first contact you just felt something good was going to come out of it.”
“You can spend time without anyone else and nothing gets back to anyone else. You know you are free to.” “That it helps.”
“I couldn’t tell anyone what happened to (name), but now I can”
Quotes from Teachers, Parents/Carers:
“There is nothing I would change. It is such a wonderful place and the staff are kind and friendly and know how to get children to communicate their feelings.”
“I hope they realise this place saves lives! The difference that it made to my child and myself is indescribable.”
“I was fortunate enough to visit before knowing child A was going to attend. I was most impressed particularly by the staff and the lovely calm feeling. Would it be possible to make more people aware that you are there and the great work you are doing”
“The support of Richmond’s Hope has enabled her to obtain support from her school. She is more able to articulate her feelings without resorting to pretending to be ill etc.”
“My child is talking to me a lot more and doesn’t get upset as much when we talk about his dad”
“I’d say it’s benefitted us as a family greatly and is worth its weight in gold!”
“The service cannot be faulted and I am extremely grateful our child was given a place.”
““This young person seems to be much happier and is much more focused in class.”
“It has helped my daughter a great deal, therefore also helped myself and her mother.”
“An amazing and unique service for children where they can open up to someone about their fears in a safe and trusted environment. Richmond’s Hope is life changing.”
“This child has more self-esteem and greater confidence. There has been a big change which has impacted on his classwork in a very positive way.”
Quotes from referrers:
“It provides a service for young people and children who have experienced death. We have no other service for our team.”
“Both our referrals were picked up and acted upon very quickly not a normal experience for us when dealing with outside agencies.”
“Richmond’s Hope has offered an excellent support mechanism for the children and families we have referred.”
“My child is talking to me a lot more and doesn’t get upset as much when we talk about his dad”
“Very helpful, professional and efficient.”
“It has helped my daughter a great deal, therefore also helped myself and her mother.”
Quotes from Partnership Groups: